2020 Is Cursed? But Hey, I Started A Blog!

You know, I've always wanted to start a blog but I kept on holding back. Why? I actually really don't know. I'm a person that is better at typing their emotions than actually saying them but I kept holding off on making a blog. Maybe then I worried that it wouldn't be successful? But with all this coronavirus mishap and murder hornets, I mean I won't be going outside for long so might as well start a blog, right? June 12, 2020. The start of my blog and its first post, a place where my thoughts, feelings, and imagination would spend their lives. I mean 6 months in and 2020 is already a massive wreck. I mean we thought the world was gonna end in 2012 but I'm starting to believe that 2020 might be the last year. Like literally, we started off the year with a potential World War 3, massive forest fires, and Kobe dying. And the fun part is that we said it would get better! Did it get better? Not at all! I mean we all thought 2019 was bad but jeez, with 2020 she just got worse and worse. Like, who got on 2020's bad side before she even began?  Thousands of people dying from the coronavirus, unemployment rates increasing, no proms, no graduations, Black people still getting racially profiled, Latinos and Latinas still separated from their families in internment camps while they get deadly chemicals sprayed on them (aka America is about to create the next Holocaust).  2020 really said F it; give them HELL! I mean shoot, if this is just the first 6 months then what are we doing in the last 6 months? If Elon Musk wants to send me to Mars I'll be glad to go because at this moment Earth might get raided by aliens and the only nice alien is E.T. Well, yeah, so I started a blog. 


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