Because You're A Girl

It's crazy that as a young woman, you are told that you can't do THIS or you have to THAT just because you have an XX sex gene. Sexism is the most absurd thing ever. Literally why does being a girl bump your importance down so much. And the most annoying thing is, not only do we have to deal with society's image of a woman, but that image is also placed in our own households. The number of times that my parents have told me "you HAVE to cook for your husband" is literally more than the number of days I've been on Earth. Why should I HAVE to cook? I mean I can but can we be you know, equally responsible? And don't even get me started on how they treat my sister and me vs my brother. My brother could sleep until 4pm and it would alright because he's a boy but if my sister and I sleep till like 11pm, we are lazy. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. Society and cultures place wayyyy too many standards on women. Like this notion that we can be sexualized because of what we wear? First of all, women are unfortunately sexualized whether they are wearing an oversized hoodie with sweatpants or a bodycon dress. So instead of telling girls that they are being harassed because of what they wear, how about we teach boys to respect women! And it's really not that hard to respect women; society just makes it seem okay for boys to do their ways with girls. I mean imagine if a girl yelled out "AY YO YOU GOT A NICE BOOTY" to a dude. Yeah, you'd be totally uncomfortable. So why do it to girls? Just because they are girls? All I'm saying is that there is no reason to place these standards on women (and from such a young age too because school dress codes make it seem like it's our fault if men are distracted by our bodies). Stop normalizing the disrespect of women and start normalizing treating women with respect no matter how they dress, how they look, how they speak, where they come from. Literally, all we ask for is to be treated with RESPECT. 
p.s. Just like Aretha Franklin said: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what it means to me~


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