Is Cancel Culture A Myth?

Okay, 2020 has been a crazy year so far and we are only in July. But during this year, the idea of "cancel culture" skyrocketed not only in media but in real life too. Here's my take on "cancel culture". The idea of cancel culture makes sense. Boycotting someone because of some insensitive mistakes. One side says it's fine because what that person did was horrible while another says that humans make mistakes and instead of "canceling" them we should educate them. Honestly, I agree with both sides. For me, if a person can realize what they did was wrong and apologizes for it then no need to cancel them. But here's the catch! If this person does it on multiple occasions after or maybe even before they apologize, then I would understand why people would choose to boycott that person. But here's the problem with the use of the phrase "cancel culture". To cancel means to drop that person, but instead of dropping a person by unfollowing them or not giving them attention people do the opposite. Instead, people just create a thread of hate towards the person which is counterproductive since the whole point is to boycott the person. Well, in the end, that person just gets more views and fame. So it makes me wonder, is cancel culture even real? I mean it's an ideology but is it real in the sense of how we use it in real life? I've started to realize that throwing hate at a person is much more work than just blocking them. So, I just block the negativity off of my stream which is kind of boycotting and honestly actually very refreshing. I feel like if everyone just did that then the fire would be smaller. I mean everyone wanted to cancel R Kelly but instead they just threw hate while still listening to his music. Jokes on you guys but R Kelly is stilling making big money thanks to you. And we can't just choose and pick who to "cancel". Bad is bad there is no "but that is worse or that's not as bad". If a person can't PROPERLY apologize or re-evaluate their mistakes then there is no reason to show that person any attention if you've already explained to them why they were in the wrong.  


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