That Is Not An APOLOGY!

As old as people are they don't know how to apologize. Like for real, all these "apologies" are just the most absurd things I've heard. It's always "I'm sorry but" or "I'm sorry if" or "I'm sorry that you". These phrases are NOT the proper way to say an apology. Like is it that hard to hold yourself accountable instead of holding yourself as a victim? People have to realize that everything is not always just about them and that they have to lower their egos because these apologies just aren't cutting it for me. As much as you can think about your own feelings in a situation, you can also think about how others feel because of your actions (which is the topic of the problem. nothing else-) I mean I learn to just move on but really I feel that these types of incomplete apologies are insincere. If you are going to own up to your wrongs then that's great! But don't try to give an explanation for your wrongs. You were wrong and that's that, just say sorry and move on or don't say sorry at all because it seems that you aren't truly sorry. Your ego shouldn't be what's stopping you from giving a true apology and if it is then you have a lot of self-improvement to work on. It's just scary how a person can just play the victim card like they didn't do what they did. Accountability might as well be a course taught in school because many people have trouble holding themselves and others accountable when it's needed. 

"Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it, many become defiled" Hebrews 12:14-15


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