There is no reason to be offended! Sorry WHO asked?

People who try to devalue people's feelings towards something are annoying as frick! And I mean if someone feels offended because it has to deal with their background and you, a person which the problem doesn't pertain to, is saying that they are offended for no reason you can literally SIT THE HELL DOWN. Respect is something I value deeply. You don't have to agree with someone but respect them and their background. If someone of the LGBTQ+ community is offended by something, then a straight person should have no say or control over how the person or the community feels. Instead, you can support them or you can shut up and listen. PERIOD. Like just because you don't face these kinds of hardships or don't live the life of someone with a different background doesn't mean that you can invalidate their feelings. And for those who are like "well I'm [insert whatever background] and I don't feel offended" good for you! But just because you and a few people aren't offended doesn't mean we should forget about the people who are! And people should be held accountable if they do offend a certain group. And an example I will use is by a community that has a HUGE problem with holding their faves accountable. THE KPOP COMMUNITY! DUN DUN DUNNN! The kpop community literally can not hold their favorite idols accountable and find so many different excuses for their actions. AND IT'S ALWAYS THE FANS THAT THE PROBLEM DOESN'T AFFECT! If an idol is culturally appropriating let's say Black culture by wearing braids or whatever and the Black kpop community is offended, THEN LET THEM BE OFFENDED. There is no reason for other kpop fans that are not black to devalue that the Black kpop community is offended by these actions. Hold your faves ACCOUNTABLE! Another example, if the Asian community is offended by people sexualizing their cultural attire, then if you are not ASIAN you have no right to say "it's just fashion". No! Shut up and show some respect and try to understand why they are offended instead of brushing it OFFFF. WOO CHILD ANYWHOO- Let's just respect each other's feelings okay? Even if you might disagree. But if it doesn't deal with you, just sit down and listen to why it offends that certain group of people. 


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