Do you ever feel like you're not doing enough? I mean during this quarantine I've seen people do so much! Start businesses, clubs, clothing lines... I mean hey, I started a blog at least. The cruel thing about blogging is that for a while, no one sees it. I mean I don't have that many viewers (which I don't know why cause my content is just kidding I'm alright). But I remind myself that I blog for me and not for anyone else. I feel like these days, people do a lot for other people and not enough for themselves. I can relate to that a lot. I mean the feeling of wanting to impress people is only human right? But I think that we should impress ourselves or be happy with ourselves before we seek validation from others. I mean there are many successful people that didn't get validation for whatever their passion was but they continued their passions and ended up making them grow into something BIG. Now I'm not saying everyone does things just to look good for other people, but all I'm saying is your passion is something that should matter to you and not something you think other people will approve of. Although I am not starting a business or curing cancer as an intern at NIH, I do think that during this quarantine, I've started things based on my passions and I'm proud of that. This blog was started because of my need to express myself without using my words. I mean as someone who is outspoken but does have anxiety in speaking (it doesn't make sense but trust me that's how I am) I think using other forms of expression is something I've become fond of because of it. Whether it's writing or dancing, these passions help me express my feelings and thoughts without the anxiety added. So although everyone is doing magnificent things, don't let that hinder your passions. Do your thing, love your thing, and let everyone do theirs :)


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