Life Ain't Easy!

 Okay, can we just talk about MENTAL HEALTH for awhile? Like, tell me why this issue isn't taken seriously? As a teen growing up in this time period, mental health is so overlooked and that's honestly really toxic to know that many people don't care about such a crucial topic. To be frankly honest with you, living life isn't easy... like AT ALL. I remember this quote from a Korean Drama I was watching and it went along the lines of "It's easier to die than it is to live." Now I don't want to make this post depressing but I TOTALLY agree with this statement. I mean Gen Z is the most suicidal generation in history and no one addresses that maybe people are having a really tough time living in this world to the point where they don't value life enough to continue to live. Personally being a child of immigrants, mental health isn't talked's I guess taboo. I usually have my own "therapy" from talking to my walls or something like that. And I know a lot of my friends and even other people around my age that feel this way too. Mental health is just as important as physical health and I hope the world learns this and combats them equally. It's not just an individual problem. It's a societal problem. I hope and dream of a world where people can talk about their mental health issues without being told "you're overreacting" or "you're looking for attention". Like come on!! You never know what a person is going through at ALL. I always make it known that I'm all ears to hear peoples' rants and to talk to them so they feel comfortable talking about their mental health in general. It feels good to know that someone can trust me with that type of thing and that I could be a reason why a certain someone didn't... you know... end it (but this stems from the person finding value in their own life; I'm just glad to be that push for them). Life is NOT easy man. This phrase is used a lot but it seems that people can't understand that there is actual meaning to it. PEOPLE ARE STRUGGLING FOR REAL. Please let your loved ones or anybody know that they can come to you if they have negative or depressive thoughts. The key is to LISTEN. Just hear what they have to say first. Let them empty their hearts out and don't try to force anything on them. Also, make sure YOU talk to others if you also have these thoughts or feelings. It's hard I know, but trust me, talking to a person you trust feels much better than just talking to your walls (although my walls have also been a great support system :)). Stay safe, stay classy, and Happy Mental Health Month!


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