Now you're probably screaming at me through this screen: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!

Well, hold on now. Let me explain myself.

I know it's been months since I have posted but I truly was very occupied. This is unusual because usually when I write, it's a way to remove myself from reality. But reality hit hard this time chief. 

Reality : 1 ; Me : 0. 

The pandemic really made it harder and just the amount of work I had to do in school and outside of school was astronomically overwhelming. I've been hit with so many responsibilities all at once and your girl had to take the time to learn how to balance them. Oh. And I studied abroad in South Korea over the summer so..... I wanted to limit my use of English-- this is a post for another day though :) 

Anyways, I hope that was enough for you to have mercy on me. I will continue posting. So much has happened over these couple of months so you guys are in for some juicy content! 

See you my loves ♡


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