How the Words "I Love You" Can Change A Life

 I love you 

They may be just three words but they have the impact of more than a million words. Trust me. 

Prior to high school, I wouldn't really say I love you to anyone. I undermined the effect that the phrase could have on others and myself. And to be honest with you, my family really isn't the type to say these words to each other every morning. I think that's why I would feel empty. Watching Full House really messed me up. Seeing Danny Tanner saying I love you to his daughters every morning was a culture shock. I thought they were the abnormal family. 

Entering high school, the friends I have made were the first ones to say I love you to me. It felt really good hearing it even though I wasn't used to it. And there my spree of saying I love you began. 

Some people think it's in romantic connotation when I say it but nothing of that sort really. I love seeing other people's faces glow up when I say it. Saying these three words really have helped people overcome anxiety, depression, and other things. That's why now, I have no shame in saying I love you. It's wholesome to see other feel loved and to share the love. 

I love you... you guys should say it more often. I promise it's the best thing ever. 


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