All Burnt Out

Okay Hi.


Um. So. Yeah

As you can see from my lack of the English language, my brain has officially exploded. These past few weeks have been totally traumatic and I do not recommend living like that. The bad luck and vibes I have gotten have just rocked my whole world and my mental health? Ha. She is not here at all. So why I am writing? Well, it wouldn't be a blog if I didn't express my sincere feelings right?

Okay first off, it's too cold. I live in Maryland which is even worse because the weather is never constant. This dramatic change in temperature just makes me.... sad? I don't even know how to explain it. It's like taking a trip to the Bahamas and then your plane crashes in Alaska. Extreme but great imagery.

Second, love is in the air. Now you might be wondering, isn't that a good thing? No. It's not. Because I am not feeling this love. Happy couples are cute, sometimes. But I've had enough! They are everywhere and I am feeling lonely. I have friends but that's different. My friends can't cuddle me the right way. Argh :/

Third. School. I think enough was said with that one word. I didn't enjoy high school. I still don't. These past 4 years have always been a burnout but something about this soul has literally left my body. Also, the fact that I am more tired than I am usually. And I definitely have cried myself to sleep every night so far. Refreshing. My mental health has just plummeted and I am exhausted. They say college is better. I do sure hope so because I really did not peak in high school. 

All this to say. I hate it here. Kidding. Not really :/ But I do hope it gets better or I'll actually go insane. 

Take care of yourself, eat healthily, and sleep. 



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